This is a collaborative post.

Christmas is less than a week away and with that as well we New Years in our midst we are likely going to be a bit short of pocket by the time January comes around.

If you are hoping to save some money next year to save up for things such as home renovation or a holiday to treat yourself post- pandemic – there are lots of ways to do it. Saving money and being more savvy with your spending is an important part of life and we want to help you save some serious dosh next year and become more financially stable.

Change your phone contract 

One of the easiest ways for you to make a change this year to your life is to change your phone contract and save a lot of money. If you have been with the same network provider for many years it may never have occurred to you to change and this is natural. However, over time you may end up spending much more than you need to on your contract for less benefit. Consider checking a comparison site like Uswitch and see if you can find an offer that works better for you. 

Delete online shopping apps 

The bane of many of our lives at this point has to be online shopping apps. We all have online shopping apps on our phones such as SHEIN, Wish, Pretty Little Thing and more – but these are dangerous to keep in easy reach. When you already have your login details and payment set up on these apps it is all too easy to browse and buy without a second thought but this is not a good thing. If you know you have an online shopping habit to kick this year, make sure to delete your online shopping apps and steer clear of those easy buys.

Search for offers 

It is always a great idea when looking to buy something to look for offers before you checkout. An easy way to to this is to install a browser extension such as Honey to your computer and it will check every possible offer to find the one which will save you the most money before you checkout. Something like this can save you a lot and be a lifesaver. 

Use grocery coupons 

Have you noticed whenever you finish your big shop you end up with a ton of coupons to use within the next week? Well, most of us ignore these or throw them away but you shouldn’t do if you want to maximise your savings this year. Consider instead of ignoring these vouchers actually using them to determine what you will cook the next week. For example if you get vouchers for pasta, Parmesan and egg you could choose to add carbonaro to your meal plan the following week. This is a brilliant way to save money and also think more about your meals. 

Take out a loan 

If you are really struggling financially there is nothing wrong with considering Guarantor loans for those first few months you need them. We all know what it is like to struggle with money and it can be difficult to get past without support. Consider taking out a loan for a few months while you get back on your feet and then once you have implemented better habits in your life you can pay it off and get yourself saving some money.

Cook your own food 

One of the best ways to save some money throughout your life is to cook your own food. It is a great idea for you to cook meals at home and enjoy healthy and nutritious food with your family rather than spending money on takeaways or meals in restaurants. You can cook healthy batches of food such as curry and chicken tray bakes and there are plenty of freezer friendly foods for you to try during this period that will be easy to make, freeze, and reheat whenever you are stuck for what you want to eat. 

Improve your productivity 

It is a great idea if you are currently struggling with money to improve your productivity at work whether it be at home or on site. The better you can get at working your job the more money you will make and the more you get to save. Make 2021 the year you go for the next step in your career or make a change completely and make money for yourself instead. 

Shop own brands 

A lot of the time when you see a branded product and a supermarket product on the shelves you’ll go for the branded one because it looks more trusted – but the truth is there is not a lot of difference between either and the branded ones can cost 10 times more. Take a tin of beans for example – beans are usually made in the same factory no matter what brand they are so you might be paying for the packaging rather than the product. Start testing an own brand product here and there and you might be surprised.

Make your own coffee 

If you are a caffeine addict and you love getting your coffee fix every morning before work, now is the time to stop buying it and make your own instead. The initial outlay of a coffee machine might be a little high however if you drink coffee every day you will be shocked at home much you’ll save just by making it at home. This is a great life hack and it means you don’t have to step out in the rain to get your cup of Joe!

Be more eco-friendly  

Saving energy saves money – and it saves the planet. The amount of electricity and gas we use every day contributes to a lot of issues with the natural resources we have on the planet and it is so important for us to try and change the way we look at this spending. At home if you turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, use candles instead of the big light at night, and insulate the house so you don’t need the heating on all the time – this will save so much money.