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Many of us are viewing life differently since the Covid-19 pandemic. You should be aware of the roles available to someone who wants to live on the road, because the options are endless. It may start with looking at Motorhome Hire and getting out into the country roads and seeing the sights. However, what careers can you take on in this position? 

Photo: Unsplash

Designers – Designers have a very important role from which the initial impression of the customer who visits the website is derived. The design can even affect the degree of reliability and quality with which the company is perceived in the mind of a potential customer. The role of a web designer is very diverse and can include a variety of services, depending on the desires and abilities of the designer. Since this is all work in front of a computer (unlike a clothing designer / interior designer), it can be done from anywhere in the world and even during flights without a 24/7 connection to the Internet.

Website Promoters – This position, in its professional name is “SEO Manager“, meaning organic (non-sponsored / advertising) promotion. This means promoting the site in the search engines (with an emphasis on Google) in order for it to appear among the first in the search results of a potential customer who is interested in purchasing a particular service or product. High ranking in Google means exposure to more customers and increasing the chances that they will enter the site and make a purchase. This type of work, like its predecessors, requires an Internet connection to make changes and communicate with a variety of businesses and suppliers in order to expand collaborations.

Photographers and video editors – Like all the other roles mentioned, photographers and video editors can afford to do their work from anywhere in the world, provided all the necessary equipment is available to them. Today’s photographers are not the photographers of yesteryear and many of them have learned to make amazing use of their smartphone camera and upload the product to Instagram, to the satisfaction of millions of followers. The ability to migrate between continents even upgrades the content of the photos they upload, with an emphasis on Instagram, allowing them to be recognized not only in the country they came from but also in each country they visit.

There may also be some drawbacks however. Some careers are not going align with this lifestyle, such as:

  1. Roles that require many frontal meetings – whether for the purpose of presenting presentations, company meetings, managing staff teams, attending conferences, going down to the field and anything that requires the physical presence of the employee, even if it is not on a day-to-day level.
  2. Positions that require immediate availability – any position that requires troubleshooting, immediate response, working the same hours as the other employees in the company, and availability beyond working hours. A digital nomad depends on the presence of an internet connection in the environment and therefore a situation may arise where it will not be available, such as on flights or in cases where there are significant time differences between countries.

It can be concluded that not every company and business can afford to employ digital nomads but many can certainly give it a go!